GridDrones at CHI2018
I've just got back from the CHI2018 conference in Montreal, Canada, where I saw a demonstration of a project called "GridDrones". These were 60g drones that were tracked using infrared and which would maintain their position on the grid until the user moved them around with his hand. The video demo shows the drones in action, with the height and position being controlled by moving them around in space. I'm not sure what this is useful for yet, but it's something I would like to replicate for our own workshops with school children. My ambition is to get the kids to write some of the code that runs the drone, but our technology is a little way off that yet. However, I'm just about to order some MOSFETS for a new project, so watch this space over the next couple of months.
GridDrones Authors: Sean Braley (Queen's University, Kingston, Canada) Calvin Rubens (Queen's University, Kingston, Canada) Timothy Merritt R (Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark) Roel Vertegaal (Human Media Lab, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada)
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