
The Authors: 

Richard Milton "maptube" is a senior researcher at CASA UCL, a micro electronics expert and an all weathers programmer.

Flora Roumpani "en-topia" is a PhD researcher at CASA UCL an architect and a multi-scale designer.

Oliver Dawkins "Virtual Architectures" is a PhD researcher at CASA UCL and an all realities expert. 


Funded from the UCL BEAMs public engagement stream from an EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award  as part of Dr. Martin Austwick's public engagement work. For more on Martin's work, follow his Global Lab podcasts. 

CASA has won the "Collaborate to Innovate" Provost's Engineering Engagement Award 2018 for the Drones4Good public engagement workshop.

The Drones4Good workshop is orginised as part of the  Engineering Engagement: Young People & Schools program amongst other amazing workshops for young people, by Elpida Makrygianni who runs the Pre-University Engineering Education Outreach at the UCL Faculty of Engineering Sciences. For more information about the other workshops follow: @UCLEngEdu



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