Use the Force Anakin

Here's a quick video of the current state of the quadsim simulator. We're running a Royal Institution coding for year 9s session in about a month's time and the idea is to let them have a play with the simulator.

It's written in Unity, so it's fairly easy to import objects and build your own course. Note the CASA cube pyramid at the end of the video and the eBee drone from the ReMapLima project ( The FPV racing course is just a scene in Unity, so it can be switched back to displaying the scene with the Lima landscape point cloud just by loading it in.

I've also added some GUI options to change the PID settings of the quadcopter in flight. The idea is to teach dynamic feedback control systems, so you can set the P value very low and see the quad slowly approach the command angle (over damped), or set it high and see it oscillate like a mad thing (under damped). The sweet spot depends on the size and weight distribution, plus a little bit of pilot preference.
